A REST-API for IMDb based on Python Flask application and scrappers

This project is maintained by chauhannaman98


IMDb API is a web based REST API which can be used in various projects by web developers and even developers working on application development which needs to utilize any feature of IMDb website. This API will enable developers to get data according to their needs in an easy to read javascript object-notation (JSON) format.

This API is still in developement phase and running on non-production server. You may experience unexcepted outputs or internal server errors. Also, the first call to the API may take longer time than expected. The following calls will be fast comparatively.


  1. Home
  2. Search
  3. TV Shows



Description: This API will give a simple JSON response regarding the services currently available along with date when API has been called, status and GitHub repository URL.

Sample Response:

    "api-services-available": {
        "Search by name": "",
        "Search by title": "",
        "Top25 TV Shows": ""
    "date": "Oct-31-2020",
    "docs": "",
    "status": true



  1. Search by title
  2. Search by name

Search by title


  1. stype = search type(title to search by title)
  2. q = query or the title to be searched

Description: This API will give a JSON response with a list of search results on the basis of the title you sent as the param(q). List contains dictionaries where each dictionary consists of 4 key-value pairs, title, url to the page on IMDb, year-of-release and details having list of strings having additional information regarding the title searched.

In case, no additional details are available on IMDb, details list will have no elements.

Sample Response:

    "date": "Nov-03-2020",
    "docs": "",
    "search-results": [
            "details": [
                "TV Episode"
            "title": "Intersteller",
            "url": "",
            "year-of-release": 2014
    "status": true

Search by name


  1. stype = search type(name to search by name of celebrity)
  2. q = query or the name of celebrity to be searched

Description: This API will give a JSON response with a list of search results on the basis of the name of celebrity you sent as the param(q). List contains dictionaries where each dictionary consists of 4 key-value pairs, major_work, name, occuation and url.

Sample Response:

    "date": "Nov-02-2020",
    "docs": "",
    "search-results": [
            "major_work": "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)",
            "name": "Jim Carrey",
            "occupation": "Actor",
            "url": ""
    "status": true

TV Shows

  1. Top 250

Top 250


Description: This API will give a JSON response having top 250 TV shows in the ranked according to their ratings on IMDb. In short, it gives the top rates 250 shows from IMDb in a JSON format. Key top250 here has a list of 250 dictonaries. Each dictionary of key-value pairs that have details of TV Shows including rank, rating, starcast, title, url and year-of-release.

Sample Response:

    "date": "Oct-31-2020",
    "status": true,
    "top250": [
            "rank": 1,
            "rating": 9.5,
            "starcast": "David Attenborough",
            "title": "Planet Earth II",
            "url": "",
            "year-of-release": 2016